- add_buffer(geo_str: Expr, buffer_size: float) Expr [source]#
Add a buffer to geometries in a Polars expression.
- Parameters:
geo_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing geometries in WKT format.
buffer_size (float) – The buffer size.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with buffered geometries in WKT format.
- Return type:
- calculate_line_length(line_str: Expr) Expr [source]#
Calculate the length of LineString geometries in a Polars expression.
- Parameters:
line_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing LineString geometries in WKT format.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with the lengths of the LineString geometries.
- Return type:
- combine_shape(geometry_list_str: Expr) Expr [source]#
Combine multiple geometries into a single geometry in a Polars expression.
- Parameters:
geometry_list_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing geometry lists in WKT format.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with combined geometries in WKT format.
- Return type:
- generate_linestring_from_coordinates_list(coord_list: Expr) Expr [source]#
Generate LineString geometries from coordinate lists in a Polars expression.
- Parameters:
coord_list (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing coordinate lists.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with LineString geometries.
- Return type:
- generate_linestring_from_nearest_points_col(point: Expr, multi_point: MultiPoint)[source]#
Generate a LineString geometry from the nearest points within a specified distance in a column containing geometric data.
- Parameters:
point (pl.Expr) – The expression representing the column containing the reference points.
multi_point (MultiPoint) – The MultiPoint geometry containing the points to search.
- Returns:
An expression with LineString geometries created from the nearest points.
- Return type:
>>> data = {'geometry': [Point(0, 0).wkt, Point(2, 2).wkt]} ... df = pl.DataFrame(data) ... multi_point = MultiPoint([Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1), Point(2, 1)]) ... df.with_column( ... c(geometry).pipe(generate_linestring_from_nearest_points_col, multi_point=multi_point) ... .alias('linestring') ... ) shape: (3, 2) ┌──────────────────┬─────────────────────────┐ │ geometry ┆ linestring │ │ --- ┆ --- │ │ str ┆ str │ ╞══════════════════╪═════════════════════════╡ │ POINT (0 0) ┆ LINESTRING (0 0, 0 1) │ │ POINT (2 2) ┆ LINESTRING (2 2, 2 1) │ └──────────────────┴─────────────────────────┘
- generate_point_from_coordinates(x: Expr, y: Expr) Expr [source]#
Generate Point geometries from x and y coordinates in Polars expressions.
- Parameters:
x (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing x coordinates.
y (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing y coordinates.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with Point geometries in WKT format.
- Return type:
- geoalchemy2_to_shape_col(geo_str: Expr) Expr [source]#
Convert GeoAlchemy2 strings in a Polars expression to geometries.
- Parameters:
geo_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing GeoAlchemy2 strings.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with geometries.
- Return type:
- geoalchemy2_to_wkt_col(geo_str: Expr, srid_from: int | None, srid_to: int | None) Expr [source]#
Convert GeoAlchemy2 strings in a Polars expression to WKT format.
- Parameters:
geo_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing GeoAlchemy2 strings.
srid_from (Optional[int]) – The source spatial reference system identifier.
srid_to (Optional[int]) – The target spatial reference system identifier.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with geometries in WKT format.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If only one of srid_from or srid_to is provided.
- geojson_to_wkt_col(geometry: Expr) Expr [source]#
Convert GeoJSON strings in a Polars expression to WKT format.
- Parameters:
geometry (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing GeoJSON strings.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with geometries in WKT format.
- Return type:
- get_coordinates_col(col: Expr) Expr [source]#
Add a new column to the DataFrame with coordinates extracted from a specified column containing geometric data.
- Parameters:
col (pl.Expr) – The column containing geometric data.
- Returns:
The DataFrame with an additional column of coordinates.
- Return type:
- get_coordinates_list_from_col(df: DataFrame, col_name: str = 'geometry') list[tuple[float, float]] [source]#
Extract a list of coordinates from a specified column containing geometric data.
- Parameters:
df (pl.DataFrame) – The DataFrame to process.
col_name (str) – The name of the column containing geometric data.
- Returns:
A list of coordinates extracted from the specified column.
- Return type:
- get_geometry_list(df: DataFrame, col_name: str = 'geometry') list[Point | LineString | Polygon] [source]#
Get a list of geometries from a Polars DataFrame.
- Parameters:
df (pl.DataFrame) – The Polars DataFrame.
col_name (str, optional) – The name of the geometry column. Defaults to “geometry”.
- Returns:
The list of geometries.
- Return type:
list[Union[Point, LineString, Polygon]]
- get_linestring_boundaries_col(line_str: Expr) Expr [source]#
Get the boundary nodes of geometries in a Polars expression.
- Parameters:
line_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing linestring in WKT format.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with lists of boundary nodes in WKT format.
- Return type:
- get_linestring_from_point_list(point_list_str: Expr) Expr [source]#
Generate LineString geometries from point lists in a Polars expression.
- Parameters:
point_list_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing point lists in WKT format.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with LineString geometries in WKT format.
- Return type:
- get_multigeometry_from_col(df: DataFrame, col_name: str = 'geometry') MultiPoint | MultiLineString | MultiPolygon [source]#
Get a MultiGeometry object from a Polars DataFrame column.
- Parameters:
df (pl.DataFrame) – The Polars DataFrame.
col_name (str, optional) – The name of the geometry column. Defaults to “geometry”.
- Returns:
The MultiGeometry object.
- Return type:
Union[MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon]
- get_multilinestring_from_wkt_list_col(linestring_list: Expr) Expr [source]#
Convert a column containing WKT representations of lines into a MultiLineString geometry.
- Parameters:
linestring_list (pl.Expr) – The expression representing the column containing list of linestring.
- Returns:
An expression with MultiLineString geometries.
- Return type:
- get_multipoint_from_wkt_list_col(point_list: Expr) Expr [source]#
Convert a column containing WKT representations of lines into a Multipoint geometry.
- Parameters:
point_list (pl.Expr) – The expression representing the column containing list of Point.
- Returns:
An expression with MultiPoint geometries.
- Return type:
- get_nearest_point_within_distance_col(point: Expr, point_list: MultiPoint, min_distance: float) Expr [source]#
Find the nearest point within a specified minimum distance from each point in a column containing geometric data.
- Parameters:
point (pl.Expr) – The expression representing the column containing the reference points.
point_list (MultiPoint) – The MultiPoint geometry containing the points to search.
min_distance (float) – The minimum distance to search for the nearest point.
- Returns:
An expression with the nearest points within the specified minimum distance.
- Return type:
>>> data = {'geometry': [Point(0, 0).wkt, Point(2, 2).wkt, Point(4, 4).wkt]} ... df = pl.DataFrame(data) ... multi_point = MultiPoint([Point(1, 1), Point(10, 1), Point(2, 1)]) ... df.with_column(get_nearest_point_within_distance_col(pl.col('geometry'), multi_point, 2).alias('nearest_point')) shape: (3, 2) ┌─────────────────┬──────────────────┐ │ geometry ┆ nearest_point │ │ --- ┆ --- │ │ str ┆ str │ ╞═════════════════╪══════════════════╡ │ POINT (0 0) ┆ POINT (1 1) │ │ POINT (2 2) ┆ POINT (2 1) │ │ POINT (4 4) ┆ None │ └─────────────────┴──────────────────┘
- get_point_list_centroid_col(point_list: Expr) Expr [source]#
Calculate the centroid of a list of points from a specified column containing geometric data.
- Parameters:
point_list (pl.Expr) – The expression representing the column containing the list of points.
- Returns:
An expression with the centroid points.
- Return type:
>>> data = {'points': [Point(0, 0).wkt, Point(1, 1).wkt, Point(2, 2).wkt]} ... df = pl.DataFrame(data) ... df.with_column(get_point_list_centroid_col(pl.col('points')).alias('centroid')) shape: (1, 1) ┌────────────────┐ │ centroid │ │ --- │ │ str │ ╞════════════════╡ │ POINT (1 1) │ └────────────────┘
- linestring_is_ring_col(linestring: Expr) Expr [source]#
Check if the LineString geometries in a specified column form a closed ring.
- Parameters:
linestring (pl.Expr) – The expression representing the column containing LineString geometries.
- Returns:
An expression indicating whether each LineString is a closed ring.
- Return type:
>>> data = { ... 'geometry': [ ... LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)]).wkt, ... LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)]).wkt ... ]} ... df = pl.DataFrame(data) ... df.with_column(linestring_is_ring_col(pl.col('geometry')).alias('is_ring')) shape: (2, 2) ┌───────────────────────────────────────┬──────────┐ │ geometry ┆ is_ring │ │ --- ┆ --- │ │ str ┆ bool │ ╞═══════════════════════════════════════╪══════════╡ │ LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0) ┆ true │ │ LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1, 1 0) ┆ false │ └───────────────────────────────────────┴──────────┘
- shape_coordinate_transformer_col(shape_col: Expr, srid_from: int, srid_to: int) Expr [source]#
Transform the coordinates of geometries in a Polars expression from one CRS to another.
- Parameters:
shape_col (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing geometries.
srid_from (int) – The source spatial reference system identifier.
srid_to (int) – The target spatial reference system identifier.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with transformed geometries.
- Return type:
- shape_intersect_polygon(geo_str: Expr, polygon: Polygon) Expr [source]#
Check if geometries in a Polars expression intersect with a given polygon.
- Parameters:
geo_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing geometries in WKT format.
polygon (Polygon) – The polygon to check for intersection.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with boolean values indicating intersection.
- Return type:
- shape_intersect_shape_col(geo_str: Expr, geometry: Geometry) Expr [source]#
Check if geometries in a Polars expression intersect with a given polygon.
- Parameters:
geo_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing geometries in WKT format.
polygon (Polygon) – The polygon to check for intersection.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with boolean values indicating intersection.
- Return type:
- shape_to_geoalchemy2_col(geo: Expr) Expr [source]#
Convert geometries in a Polars expression to GeoAlchemy2 format.
- Parameters:
geo (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing geometries.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with geometries in GeoAlchemy2 format.
- Return type:
- shape_to_wkt_col(geometry: Expr) Expr [source]#
Convert geometries in a Polars expression to WKT format.
- Parameters:
geometry (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing geometries.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with geometries in WKT format.
- Return type:
- wkt_to_geoalchemy_col(geo_str: Expr, srid_from: int | None, srid_to: int | None) Expr [source]#
Convert WKT strings in a Polars expression to GeoAlchemy2 format.
- Parameters:
geo_str (pl.Expr) – The Polars expression containing WKT strings.
srid_from (Optional[int]) – The source spatial reference system identifier.
srid_to (Optional[int]) – The target spatial reference system identifier.
- Returns:
A Polars expression with geometries in GeoAlchemy2 format.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If only one of srid_from or srid_to is provided.