from ast import List
from operator import ge
import os
import json
from typing import Optional, Union
from shapely import (
Geometry, LineString, from_wkt, intersection, distance, buffer, intersects, convex_hull,
from shapely import transform as sh_transform
from shapely.ops import nearest_points, split, snap, linemerge, transform
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, MultiPoint, Point, LineString, shape, MultiLineString
from shapely.prepared import prep
import numpy as np
from pyproj import CRS, Transformer
from geoalchemy2.shape import from_shape, to_shape
from geoalchemy2.elements import WKBElement
from math import ceil
GPS_SRID = 4326
def get_point_side(line: LineString, point: Point) -> Optional[str]:
Determine which side of a line a point is on.
point (Point): The point to check.
line (LineString): The line to check against.
str: `start` if the point is to the beginning of the line, 1 if to the right,
and `end` if it is at the end.
boundaries = list(line.boundary.geoms)
if point == boundaries[0]:
return "start"
elif point == boundaries[1]:
return "end"
return None
def get_nearest_point_within_distance(point: Point, point_list: MultiPoint, min_distance: float) -> Optional[str]:
Find the nearest point within a specified distance from a given point.
point (Point): The reference point.
point_list (MultiPoint): The list of points to search.
min_distance (float): The minimum distance to search for the nearest point.
str or None: The nearest point in wkt format within the specified distance, or None if no
point is found.
nearest_points_list = nearest_points(point_list, point)
if distance(*nearest_points_list) < min_distance:
return nearest_points_list[0].wkt
return None
def get_point_list_centroid(point_list: list[Point]) -> Point:
Calculate the centroid of a list of points.
points (Point): The list of points.
Point: The centroid of the list of points.
return MultiPoint(point_list).centroid
def get_multipoint_from_wkt_list(point_list: list[str]) -> MultiPoint:
Convert a list of WKT representations of points into a MultiPoint geometry.
point_list (list[str])): The list of WKT points strings.
MultiPoint: The MultiPoint geometry.
return MultiPoint(list(map(from_wkt, point_list))) # type: ignore
def get_multilinestring_from_wkt_list(linestring_list: list[str]) -> MultiPoint:
Convert a list of WKT representations of linestring into a MultiLineString geometry.
linestring_list (list[str]): The list of WKT linestring strings.
MultiLineString: The MultiLineString geometry.
return MultiLineString(list(map(from_wkt, linestring_list))) # type: ignore
def get_multipolygon_from_wkt_list(polygon_list: list[str]) -> MultiPolygon:
Convert a list of WKT representations of polygons into a MultiPolygon geometry.
polygon_list (list[str])): The list of WKT polygons strings.
MultiPolygon: The MultiPolygon geometry.
return MultiPolygon(list(map(from_wkt, polygon_list))) # type: ignore
def point_list_to_linestring(point_list_str: list[str]) -> str:
Convert a list of WKT point strings to a WKT LineString.
point_list_str (list[str]): The list of WKT point strings.
str: The WKT LineString.
return LineString(list(map(from_wkt, point_list_str))).wkt # type: ignore
def get_polygon_multipoint_intersection(polygon_str: str, multipoint: MultiPoint) -> Optional[list[str]]:
Get the intersection points between a polygon and a multipoint.
polygon_str (str): The WKT string of the polygon.
multipoint (MultiPoint): The MultiPoint object.
Optional[list[str]]: The list of WKT strings representing the intersection points.
point_shape: Geometry = intersection(from_wkt(polygon_str), multipoint)
if isinstance(point_shape, MultiPoint):
return list(map(lambda x: x.wkt, point_shape.geoms))
if isinstance(point_shape, Point):
if point_shape.is_empty:
return []
return [point_shape.wkt]
return []
def find_closest_node_from_list(data: dict, node_name: str, node_list_name: str) -> Optional[str]:
Find the closest node ID from a given node ID geometry mapping.
data (dict): The data dictionary containing node information.
node_name (str): The key for the node ID.
node_list_name (str): The key for the list of node IDs.
Optional[str]: The closest node ID.
if data["node_id"] is None:
return None
if len(data[node_list_name]) == 0:
return None
if len(data[node_list_name]) == 1:
return data[node_list_name][0]
if len(data[node_list_name]) > 1:
return min(data[node_list_name], key=lambda x: from_wkt(data[node_name]).distance(from_wkt(x)))
return None
def explode_multipolygon(geometry_str: str) -> list[Polygon]:
Explode a MultiPolygon WKT string into a list of Polygon objects.
geometry_str (str): The WKT string of the MultiPolygon.
list[Polygon]: The list of Polygon objects.
geometry_shape: Geometry = from_wkt(geometry_str)
if isinstance(geometry_shape, Polygon):
return [geometry_shape]
if isinstance(geometry_shape, MultiPolygon):
return list(geometry_shape.geoms)
return []
def geoalchemy2_to_shape(geo_str: str) -> Geometry:
Convert a GeoAlchemy2 WKBElement string to a Shapely Geometry object.
geo_str (str): The GeoAlchemy2 WKBElement string.
Geometry: The Shapely Geometry object.
return to_shape(WKBElement(str(geo_str)))
def shape_to_geoalchemy2(geo: Geometry, srid: int = GPS_SRID) -> str:
Convert a Shapely Geometry object to a GeoAlchemy2 WKBElement string.
geo (Geometry): The Shapely Geometry object.
srid (int, optional): The spatial reference system identifier. Defaults to GPS_SRID = 4326.
str: The GeoAlchemy2 WKBElement string.
if isinstance(geo, Geometry):
return from_shape(geo, srid=srid).desc
return None
def get_closest_point_from_multi_point(geo_str: str, multi_point: MultiPoint, max_distance: float=100) -> Optional[str]:
Find the closest point within a maximum distance from a given geometry WKT string.
geo_str (str): The WKT string of the geometry.
multi_point (MultiPoint): The MultiPoint object.
max_distance (float, optional): The maximum distance. Defaults to 100.
Optional[str]: The WKT string of the closest point.
geo = from_wkt(geo_str)
_, closest_point = nearest_points(geo, multi_point)
if distance(geo, closest_point) < max_distance:
return closest_point.wkt
return None
def remove_z_coordinates(geom: Geometry)->Geometry:
Remove the Z coordinates from a geometry.
geom (Geometry): The Shapely Geometry object.
Geometry: The Shapely Geometry object without Z coordinates.
return transform(lambda x, y, z=None: (x, y), geom)
def get_valid_polygon_str(polygon_str: dict) -> str:
Get a valid polygon WKT string from a dictionary.
polygon_str (dict): The dictionary containing polygon information.
str: The valid polygon WKT string.
polygon: Polygon = list(polygon_str.wkt.geoms)[0] # type: ignore
if polygon.is_valid:
return polygon.wkt
return polygon.convex_hull.wkt
def grid_bounds(geom, delta):
Generate a grid of polygons within the bounds of a geometry.
geom (Geometry): The Shapely Geometry object.
delta (float): The grid cell size.
list[Polygon]: The list of grid polygons.
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = geom.bounds
nx = int(ceil((maxx - minx)/delta)) + 1
ny = int(ceil((maxy - miny)/delta)) + 1
gx, gy = np.linspace(minx,maxx,nx), np.linspace(miny,maxy,ny)
grid = []
for i in range(len(gx) - 1):
for j in range(len(gy) - 1):
poly_ij = Polygon([[gx[i],gy[j]],[gx[i],gy[j+1]],[gx[i+1],gy[j+1]],[gx[i+1],gy[j]]])
grid.append( poly_ij )
return grid
def partition(geom: Polygon, delta: float) -> list:
Partition a polygon into smaller polygons based on a grid.
geom (Polygon): The Shapely Polygon object.
delta (float): The grid cell size.
list[Polygon]: The list of partitioned polygons.
prepared_geom = prep(geom)
grid = list(filter(prepared_geom.intersects, grid_bounds(geom, delta)))
return grid
def generate_valid_polygon(multipolygon_str: str) -> Optional[Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]]:
Generate a valid polygon from a MultiPolygon WKT string.
multipolygon_str (str): The WKT string of the MultiPolygon.
Optional[Polygon]: The valid polygon.
shape: Geometry = from_wkt(multipolygon_str)
if isinstance(shape, MultiPolygon):
return MultiPolygon(list(
lambda x: x if x.is_valid
else x.convex_hull,
)) # type: ignore
elif isinstance(shape, Polygon):
return shape if shape.is_valid else convex_hull(shape) # type: ignore
return None
def load_shape_from_geo_json(
file_name: str, srid_from: Optional[str] = None, srid_to: Optional[str]= None
) -> Geometry:
Load a shape from a GeoJSON file and optionally transform its coordinates.
file_name (str): The path to the GeoJSON file.
srid_from (Optional[str], optional): The source spatial reference system identifier. Defaults to None.
srid_to (Optional[str], optional): The target spatial reference system identifier. Defaults to None.
Geometry: The loaded shape.
FileNotFoundError: If the GeoJSON file is not found.
ValueError: If only one of srid_from or srid_to is provided.
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {file_name} not found")
with open(file_name) as f:
loading_shape = json.load(f)
geo_shape: Geometry = shape(loading_shape["features"][0]["geometry"])
if (srid_from is None) | (srid_to is None):
return geo_shape
elif (srid_from is not None) and (srid_to is not None):
return shape_coordinate_transformer(geo_shape, srid_from=srid_from, srid_to=srid_to) # type: ignore
raise ValueError("Both srid_from and srid_to must be provided or None.")
def segment_list_from_multilinestring(multi_linestring: MultiLineString) -> list[LineString]:
Generate a list of LineString segments from a MultiLineString.
multi_linestring (MultiLineString): The MultiLineString object.
list[LineString]: The list of LineString segments.
segments: MultiLineString = intersection(multi_linestring, multi_linestring) # type: ignore
return list(segments.geoms) # type: ignore
def shape_list_to_wkt_list(shape_list: list[Geometry]) -> list[str]:
Convert a list of Shapely Geometry objects to a list of WKT strings.
shape_list (list[Geometry]): The list of Shapely Geometry objects.
list[str]: The list of WKT strings.
return list(map(lambda x: x.wkt, shape_list)) # type: ignore
def wkt_list_to_shape_list(str_list: list[str]) -> list[Geometry]:
Convert a list of Shapely Geometry objects to a list of WKT strings.
shape_list (list[Geometry]): The list of Shapely Geometry objects.
list[str]: The list of WKT strings.
return list(map(from_wkt, str_list)) # type: ignore
def multipoint_from_multilinestring(multilinestring: MultiLineString) -> MultiPoint:
Generate a MultiPoint from a MultiLineString by extracting unique points.
multilinestring (MultiLineString): The MultiLineString object.
MultiPoint: The MultiPoint object containing unique points from the MultiLineString.
return MultiPoint(extract_unique_points(multilinestring))
def move_geometry(data: dict) -> str:
return (
geometry = from_wkt(data["geometry"]),
transformation=lambda x: x + np.array([np.cos(-data["angle"]), np.sin(-data["angle"])])*data["distance"], # type: ignore