Source code for general_function

Auxiliary functions
import logging
import os
import uuid
import coloredlogs
import polars as pl
import logging
from polars import col as c
from typing import Optional, Union
import zipfile
import tarfile
import re 
import owncloud
import tqdm
import duckdb
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely import from_wkt

NAMESPACE_UUID: uuid.UUID = uuid.UUID('{bc4d4e0c-98c9-11ec-b909-0242ac120002}')
SWISS_SRID: int = 2056

[docs] def initialize_output_file(file_path: str): """ Initialize an output file by creating necessary directories and removing the file if it already exists. Args: file_path (str): The path of the file to initialize. """ build_non_existing_dirs(file_path=os.path.dirname(file_path)) if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path)
[docs] def extract_archive(file_name: str, extracted_folder: Optional[str] = None, force_extraction: bool = False) -> None: """ Extract an archive file to a specified folder. Args: file_name (str): The name of the archive file. extracted_folder (Optional[str], optional): The folder to extract the files to. Defaults to None. force_extraction (bool, optional): Whether to force extraction even if the folder already exists. Defaults to False. """ if extracted_folder is None: extracted_folder, extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) else: extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] if not force_extraction and os.path.exists(extracted_folder): return if extension == ".tar": file =, "r") with tqdm.tqdm(total=1, desc=f"Extract {file_name} archive") as pbar: file.extractall(extracted_folder, filter="data") # type: ignore pbar.update(1) elif extension == ".tgz": file =, "r:gz") with tqdm.tqdm(total=1, desc=f"Extract {file_name} archive") as pbar: file.extractall(extracted_folder, filter="data") # type: ignore pbar.update(1) elif extension == ".zip": file = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, "r") with tqdm.tqdm(total=1, desc=f"Extract {file_name} archive") as pbar: file.extractall(extracted_folder) # type: ignore pbar.update(1) else: raise ValueError(f"{extension} format not supported")
[docs] def scan_folder( folder_name: str, extension: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, file_names: Optional[str] = None) -> list[str]: """ Scan a folder and return a list of file paths with specified extensions or names. Args: folder_name (str): The folder to scan. extension (Optional[Union[str, list[str]]], optional): The file extensions to filter by. Defaults to None. file_names (Optional[str], optional): The file names to filter by. Defaults to None. Returns: list[str]: List of file paths. """ file_list: list = [] if isinstance(extension, str): extension = [extension] for entry in list(os.scandir(folder_name)): if entry.is_dir(): file_list.extend(scan_folder(folder_name=entry.path, extension=extension, file_names=file_names)) file_path = entry.path file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] if extension is None: if file_names is None: file_list.append(file_path) elif file_names in file_path: file_list.append(file_path) elif file_ext in extension: if file_names is None: file_list.append(file_path) elif file_names in file_path: file_list.append(file_path) return file_list
[docs] def scan_switch_directory( oc: owncloud.Client, local_folder_path: str, switch_folder_path: str, download_anyway: bool) -> list[str]: """ Scan a directory on the SWITCH server and return a list of file paths. Args: oc (owncloud.Client): The ownCloud client. local_folder_path (str): The local folder path. switch_folder_path (str): The SWITCH folder path. download_anyway (bool): Whether to download files even if they already exist locally. Returns: list[str]: List of file paths. """ file_list = [] build_non_existing_dirs(os.path.join(local_folder_path, switch_folder_path)) for file_data in oc.list(switch_folder_path): # type: ignore if "_trash" not in file_path: str = file_data.path if file_data.file_type == "dir": file_list.extend(scan_switch_directory( oc=oc, local_folder_path=local_folder_path, switch_folder_path=file_path[1:], download_anyway=download_anyway)) else: if (not os.path.exists(local_folder_path + file_path)) | download_anyway: file_list.append(file_path) return file_list
[docs] def download_from_switch( switch_folder_path: str, switch_link: str, switch_pass: str, local_folder_path: str= ".cache", download_anyway: bool = False): """ Download files from a SWITCH directory to a local folder. Args: switch_folder_path (str): The SWITCH folder path. switch_link (str): The public link to the SWITCH folder. switch_pass (str): The password for the SWITCH folder. local_folder_path (str, optional): The local folder path. Defaults to ".cache". download_anyway (bool, optional): Whether to download files even if they already exist locally. Defaults to False. """ oc: owncloud.Client = owncloud.Client.from_public_link(public_link=switch_link, folder_password=switch_pass) with tqdm.tqdm(total = 1, desc=f"Scan {switch_folder_path} Switch remote directory", ncols=120) as pbar: file_list: list[str] = scan_switch_directory( oc=oc, local_folder_path=local_folder_path, switch_folder_path=switch_folder_path, download_anyway=download_anyway) pbar.update() for file_path in tqdm.tqdm( file_list, desc= f"Download files from {switch_folder_path} Switch remote directory ", ncols=120 ): oc.get_file(file_path, local_folder_path + file_path)
[docs] def generate_log(name: str, log_level: str= "info") -> logging.Logger: """ Generate a logger with the specified name and log level. Args: name (str): The name of the logger. log_level (str, optional): The log level. Defaults to "info". Returns: logging.Logger: The generated logger. """ log = logging.getLogger(name) coloredlogs.install(level=log_level) return log
[docs] def build_non_existing_dirs(file_path: str): """ Build non-existing directories for a given file path. Args: file_path (str): The file path. Returns: bool: True if directories were created successfully. """ file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path) # Split the path into individual directories dirs = file_path.split(os.sep) # Check if each directory exists and create it if it doesn't current_path = "" for directory in dirs: current_path = os.path.join(current_path, directory) if not os.path.exists(current_path): os.mkdir(current_path) return True
[docs] def pl_to_dict(df: pl.DataFrame) -> dict: """ Convert a Polars DataFrame with two columns into a dictionary. It is assumed that the first column contains the keys and the second column contains the values. The keys must be unique but Null values will be filtered. Args: df (pl.DataFrame): Polars DataFrame with two columns. Returns: dict: Dictionary representation of the DataFrame. Raises: ValueError: If the DataFrame does not have exactly two columns or if the keys are not unique. """ if df.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("DataFrame is not composed of two columns") columns_name = df.columns[0] df = df.drop_nulls(columns_name) if df[columns_name].is_duplicated().sum() != 0: raise ValueError("Key values are not unique") return dict(df.rows())
[docs] def pl_to_dict_with_tuple(df: pl.DataFrame) -> dict: """ Convert a Polars DataFrame with two columns into a dictionary where the first column contains tuples as keys and the second column contains the values. Args: df (pl.DataFrame): Polars DataFrame with two columns. Returns: dict: Dictionary representation of the DataFrame with tuples as keys. Raises: ValueError: If the DataFrame does not have exactly two columns. Example: >>> import polars as pl >>> data = {'key': [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], 'value': [10, 20, 30]} >>> df = pl.DataFrame(data) >>> pl_to_dict_with_tuple(df) {(1, 2): 10, (3, 4): 20, (5, 6): 30} """ if df.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("DataFrame is not composed of two columns") return dict(map( lambda data: (tuple(data[0]), data[1]), df.rows() ))
[docs] def modify_string(string: str, format_str: dict) -> str: """ Modify a string by replacing substrings according to a format dictionary - Input could contains RegEx. - The replacement is done in the order of the dictionary keys. Args: string (str): Input string. format_str (dict): Dictionary containing the substrings to be replaced and their replacements. Returns: str: Modified string. """ for str_in, str_out in format_str.items(): string = re.sub(str_in, str_out, string) return string
[docs] def camel_to_snake(camel_str: str) -> str: """ Convert a camelCase string to snake_case. Args: camel_str (str): The camelCase string. Returns: str: The snake_case string. """ return ( ''.join( [ '_'+ c.lower() if c.isupper() else c for c in camel_str ] ).lstrip('_') )
[docs] def snake_to_camel(snake_str: str) -> str: """ Convert a snake_case string to CamelCase. Args: snake_str (str): The snake_case string. Returns: str: The CamelCase string. """ return "".join(x.capitalize() for x in snake_str.lower().split("_"))
[docs] def convert_list_to_string(list_data: list) -> str: """ Convert a list to a comma-separated string. Args: list_data (list): The list to convert. Returns: str: The comma-separated string. """ return ", ".join(map(str, list_data))
[docs] def table_to_gpkg(table: pl.DataFrame, gpkg_file_name: str, layer_name: str, srid: int = SWISS_SRID): """ Save a Polars DataFrame as a GeoPackage file. As GeoPackage does not support list columns, the list columns are joined into a single string separated with a comma. Args: table (pl.DataFrame): The Polars DataFrame. gpkg_file_name (str): The GeoPackage file name. layer_name (str): The layer name. srid (int, optional): The SRID. Defaults to SWISS_SRID. """ list_columns: list[str] = [ name for name, col_type in dict(table.schema).items() if type(col_type) == pl.List] table_pd: pd.DataFrame = table.with_columns( c(list_columns).cast(pl.List(pl.Utf8)).list.join(", ") ).to_pandas() table_pd["geometry"] = table_pd["geometry"].apply(from_wkt) table_pd = table_pd[table_pd.geometry.notnull()] table_gpd: gpd.GeoDataFrame = gpd.GeoDataFrame( table_pd.dropna(axis=0, subset="geometry"), crs=srid) # type: ignore table_gpd = table_gpd[~table_gpd["geometry"].is_empty] # type: ignore # Save gpkg without logging logger = logging.getLogger("pyogrio") previous_level = logger.level logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) table_gpd.to_file(gpkg_file_name, layer=layer_name) logger.setLevel(previous_level)
[docs] def dict_to_gpkg(data: dict, file_path: str, srid: int = SWISS_SRID): """ Save a dictionary of Polars DataFrames as a GeoPackage file. Args: data (dict): The dictionary of Polars DataFrames. file_path (str): The GeoPackage file path. srid (int, optional): The SRID. Defaults to SWISS_SRID. """ with tqdm.tqdm(range(1), ncols=100, desc="Save input data in gpkg format") as pbar: for layer_name, table in data.items(): if isinstance(table, pl.DataFrame): if not table.is_empty(): table_to_gpkg(table=table, gpkg_file_name=file_path, layer_name=layer_name, srid=srid) pbar.update()
[docs] def dict_to_duckdb(data: dict[str, pl.DataFrame], file_path: str): """ Save a dictionary of Polars DataFrames as a DuckDB file. Args: data (dict[str, pl.DataFrame]): The dictionary of Polars DataFrames. file_path (str): The DuckDB file path. """ build_non_existing_dirs(os.path.dirname(file_path)) if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) with duckdb.connect(file_path) as con: con.execute("SET TimeZone='UTC'") pbar = tqdm.tqdm(data.items(), ncols=150, desc="Save dictionary into duckdb file") for table_name, table_pl in pbar: query = f"CREATE TABLE {table_name} AS SELECT * FROM table_pl" con.execute(query)
[docs] def duckdb_to_dict(file_path: str) -> dict: """ Load a DuckDB file into a dictionary of Polars DataFrames. Args: file_path (str): The DuckDB file path. Returns: dict: The dictionary of Polars DataFrames. """ schema_dict: dict[str, pl.DataFrame] = {} # type: ignore with duckdb.connect(database=file_path) as con: con.execute("SET TimeZone='UTC'") query = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'main'" pbar = tqdm.tqdm( con.execute(query).fetchall(), ncols=150, desc="Read and validate tables from {} file".format(os.path.basename(file_path)) ) for table_name in pbar: query: str = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name[0]}" schema_dict[table_name[0]] = con.execute(query).pl() return schema_dict
[docs] def dictionary_key_filtering(dictionary: dict, key_list: list) -> dict: """ Filter a dictionary by a list of keys. Args: dictionary (dict): The dictionary to filter. key_list (list): The list of keys to keep. Returns: dict: The filtered dictionary. """ return dict(filter(lambda x : x[0] in key_list, dictionary.items()))
[docs] def generate_uuid(base_value: str, base_uuid: uuid.UUID | None = None, added_string: str = "") -> str: """ Generate a UUID based on a base value, base UUID, and an optional added string. Args: base_value (str): The base value for generating the UUID. base_uuid (uuid.UUID, optional): The base UUID for generating the UUID. added_string (str, optional): The optional added string. Defaults to "". Returns: str: The generated UUID. """ if base_uuid is None: base_uuid=NAMESPACE_UUID return str(uuid.uuid5(base_uuid, added_string + base_value))